These are the big brushstrokes of our vision. You won’t get lots of detail here, but we hope you at least get a sense of what we care about and how we seek to live passionately for those things. Here is our original church vision video from year one. We still believe in this vision.

Redemption Church Vision from Redemption Church on Vimeo.

While the big picture vision and mission stay the same, some of the nuances or details of our strategy will change as we discover more effective ways of doing what God calls us to do. Gospel mission always drives our methodology.

The gathering of Christ-followers for worship and preaching is one of the church’s most powerful experiences. We exist for God’s glory, so God is always at the center of church life. In our gathering, we worship the living God, proclaim the gospel, share stories of redemption, demonstrate both the unity and diversity of God’s people, submit to God’s word, celebrate baptism and communion.

Some things to describe our worship gatherings:
– We engage both the head and the heart, the mind and the emotions.
– We boldly and deeply proclaim the gospel, but will do so in an engaging way that makes sense to the average dude.
– We believe the gospel is not the ABCs of the christian life, it’s the A to Z of the christian life; it’s how you start out as a follower of Jesus and also how you grow as a follower of Jesus.
– We seek to follow Jesus’ example in addressing the brokenness of both religious sinners and irreligious sinners.
– We do not attack our culture, acquiesce to our culture, nor hide from our culture; we thoughtfully engage in our culture.
– We describe our music style as contemporary worship with a respect for history and local vibe.

Discipleship is not a strategy, program, Bible study, or ministry–it’s a way of life. We are all on a spiritual journey that has both highs and lows, mountains and valleys, celebration and struggle along the way. Our greatest good is found as we walk with Jesus through it all.

We want to be a church where discipleship is talked about, invested in, celebrated, lived. We believe following Jesus is a group project, so we are intentional about connecting people in small groups that learn, laugh, challenge, struggle, serve and share life together. We want to help one another live in light of the gospel and in line with the gospel. Together, we pursue growth as followers of Jesus who are well-equipped for life.

Iglesia Reforma, Guatemala

Jesus told his disciples, “As the father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” We take this charge very seriously. We live intentionally in our community connecting with our neighbors, co-workers and classmates. In these relationships, we proclaim the redemption available in Jesus and demonstrate what life with Jesus is like. Rather than doing church as a once-a-week meeting under a steeple, we live on mission throughout the week wherever we go. We want to build bridges into our community and form partnerships with others who are doing good in our world. God compels us to mobilize ministries and missional efforts both locally and globally. Mission is not just for a few people–we are all called to fulfill Jesus’ mission.

The local church is God’s plan A. There is no plan B. We are part of a movement of God to plant churches in our region and in strategic places around the world. We commit significant resources to planting other gospel-centered, missional, church planting churches. Here is more information on our church planters.